tirsdag den 16. oktober 2012

You're never alone

Years ago a new Disney series aired on Television. It was called Hannah Montana and it was about a girl who wanted to be a rockstar, but have a normal life as well. I remember the day the first episode aired on Danish TV - I knew from that moment how much I could relate to the character Miley Stewart played by Miley Cyrus. I watched every single episode as they aired, and for some reason it was the only TV-show that I loved and still love. Tonight one of the last episodes aired once again, and as I watched it I realized, that the show is my childhood. Of course I'm not an international sensation, but my thoughts and hopes were the exact same as Miley's when she was 11. Now I'm 16 and I'm ready to show everyone who I really am. I'm tired of pretending, and for once in my life, everything starts making sense. I dont know how many times I've watched an episode, and then told myself: Nicole - thats just like you!

This really isn't about how much I used to love Disney series - but it's about how every girl or boy out there needs someone to look up to and talk to about how they're doing. I always had my mom, and when I was younger, Miley Stewart was like a best friend to me - as in I felt the same way about things that the character did, and that helped me gain some confidence. So now that I'm sitting watching it again, it's almost as if I'm watching a slide of memories. My point is that you're never ever alone.

You are one but you're never alone

You can't atone for every promise you've broken
In this moment there's no way you can fail
You must be honest with yourself
Use your pain to achieve your goals
Make amends while you can and stay focused
You can't be burdened by your lack of control
Never stray from the path you have chosen

By Heartbreed

torsdag den 4. oktober 2012

"Nothing is impossible.
Even the word itself says: I'm possible"
Audrey Hepburn

søndag den 19. august 2012

"Fifty Shades" by E.L. James

So after hearing so much about the book series called "Fifty Shades" I got curious. I needed to read them, so I would know, what everyone was talking about. I figured I would download an example on my iPod, and then I could see if I wanted to keep on reading. Well I did, so I went to buy the first book. I must say that I loved it! It was so different from anything else I've ever read, but I just couldn't stop reading. The sex scenes were way too descriptive, but at the same time, they gave you insight on Christian Grey and who he really was. It was like reading his mind. I kept on reading, because I needed to know how Ana's life was going to turn out. It was a true love story or a nightmare somehow. But by turning each page I started to love the characters. I felt bad for Christian not being able to love anyone, and I felt bad for Ana not being able to move on. But in the end you got to see how much they cared for each other. So if you want to read a love story with a little twist, this would be one of the greatest.

The writing was not as good as I had hoped for. But then again it made me laugh so much at times. It was written in the everyday language, and I felt like it made it easier to "connect" with the characters. I've never read a book with so many cusswords, but it only made the book much more human.

I'm buying the second book tomorrow, and I can't wait to read it!

torsdag den 16. august 2012


I was thinking of blogging to you guys about my newest obsession: ICE COFFEE. It is THE greatest drink on earth! Its just so coffeeliscious and creamy. Anyways for the past few weeks I've been trying to find a good recipe, but I didn't have any luck until yesterday. So therefore I'm bringing this Danish recipe into the life of the blogger!


1 1/2 cup of skim milk
1/2 cup of heavy milk
1 cup of cold brewed coffee - A strong one (espresso would be awesome!
2 tsp of sugar
A little vanilla essence if you like
5 ice cubes
And a little chocolate for the top

What you do is that you pour all the milk, coffee, sugar and only 3 ice cubes in a blender, and as simple as it is you BLEND :D Crush the two last ice cubes and put them in a tall glass, then you pour in the ice coffee and tadaa you have one great drink for your evening with the ladies :) Remember this recipe is only for one glass.

Ps.: This drink is perfect for a good book or movie

I hope you'll enjoy and I'll catch up later!

XO Nicole

torsdag den 26. juli 2012


I am not good at writing this blog..! Damn it! Anyways I decided to write about everything on my blog,  and this time it has got to be Roberto Cavalli's dreamy dresses. I watched the Academy Awards in February and I fell in love with a dress worn by Miley Cyrus. A beautiful Cavalli dress. I love everything about it - the elegance, the simplicity, the details and the fabric. And who could have worn it better than the gorgeous Miley Cyrus. Her choice of the red lipstick makes the whole outfit a classic. But what I love the most is the curls, which makes it stand out as if she just came from the 30's. The girl who was best known as Hannah Montana - a teenage pop idol - has turned in to a grown-up woman and a fashion icon. I can't say more than to keep up with both Miley Cyrus, and the grand fashion designer Cavalli, who happens to be my favorite!

torsdag den 28. juni 2012

3 weeks on the west coast

I've decided that just because I'm home in my own country now, it doesn't mean that I won't keep blogging. I know I haven't done that much updating, but I've been so busy, I didn't even realize, what was important to me. I have my hobbies and I will honestly say now, that music is whats most important to me. But even though thats true, I've always wanted to be a writer as well or a journalist. Something interesting, where I could write about all of my thoughts. Well I'm still just 16 and not old enough for a job like that, so I think I've decided to blog instead and get all of my thoughts out here. First I wanna tell you guys how incredible it was seeing my family! You could probably imagine that after a year of being apart, its a very happy moment for all of us. My last couple of weeks with my host family, friends and new sister was amazing and somehow scary. The thought of having to leave so many people that I love and not knowing if I'll ever see them again. But welcome to my life! I do that a lot.. I remember wednesday morning, when we had to say goodbye to my sister (Klara), we cried as if someone just died. It was just so hard! Never in my life, have I gotten so close to anyone in that short time, and then leaving them.. But now I know that I'll always have someone there for me! So maybe living in two different countries can be what would save our friendship and always I'll have a new place for vacation! When my family arrived they got to meet my new family - and we showed them around in Northern Louisiana - Tuesday it was time for my goodbye with Cindy and Jerry, and that was so sad as well. I know that I'm gonna miss them so much!

And then we got on plane and it was: "Here I come L.A! WOHOO!!!" Was trip to the film center of the world! Shouldn't I be excited! I think I should! L.A. was absolutely stunning! Beautiful city - a little over touristed, but since I was one of them, how can I complain? We saw The Hollywood Universal Studios and gosh it was awesome! A moment of a lifetime and I will never forget driving down Wisteria Lane thinking that this was where Eva Longoria's character Gabrielle Solis lived! AWESOME!! But how much is there to tell about L.A. other than what you probably know! And I think you would know most of it :) Then we drew and came to Grand Canyon to days after. I can only say one word: "BEAUTIFUL!" It was incredible seeing what was created by the power of the earth. It was almost surreal standing there looking down the canyon. And we watched the sunset light up the whole crater in reddish, yellowish colors. I sight I will never forgot!

Two days later we were standing at the Venetian Hotel in Vegas! Definitely a different and a little interesting view. We got to see the magnificent David Copperfield - and it was like being in a different universe. Amazing like everything else. Whenever you've seen the sign saying: "Reno - the biggest small city in the world" I can nothing but to agree. I mean we saw Paris, Egypt, New York, Italy and much more in just a day. Who thought that would be possible! And then it was like 45 degrees (Celsius) outside - it was awful! But it was very worth experiencing. Although no matter how fun it was, it was never a reality. It was like a paradise. The one place where you could travel the world in one day of your life. The place that would take away all other thoughts, because you were mesmerized by the beauty of the city. And I will tell you - we ALL were! Remember when you were a kid, and you would never had to worry about something. You could just let go of everything and have fun. The playground was our paradise. A place were no one could tell us what to do, or at any point ruin the game that just started. It was like when you were at home, you were just the little kid in the house. But whenever on the playground, you were a superhero or a princess and you would never surrender. Well thats how Vegas was. A playground for grownups. Mostly the ones with money, but also a few on the street without anymore. They probably experienced the playground too many times and now they got lost. But for the ones who hadn't surrendered, nothing could stop them. And thats how my life is.

But anyways we flew to San Francisco, and finally we got to the relaxing part of our trip and it felt more and more like home to me. After a year away, it takes a lot for a place to feel like home.. but somehow S.F. managed to do it anyways. So we shopped, rode the streetcar, saw the worst prison ever - Alcatraz, and skipped a night at the GLAAD awards with all of my favorite actors and musicians :( But I'll probably get another chance to do that.. Or I will make it happen! We drove back down to L.A. and got on the plane to Denmark.

fredag den 13. april 2012

Lidt af hvert......... :)

Nu er det godt nok ved vaere lang tid siden, at jeg har skrevet! Men jeg synes lige, at det ville vaere en god idé at opdatere... Det er nu april og jeg har lavet saa meget siden sidst! Hele dette aar er som en stor droem af gode ting, hvor der hele tiden kommer mere og mere til! Det er fantastisk! Jeg har i loebet af aaret faaet muligheden for at komme til saa mange teater eller opera stykke, som har vaeret utrolige! I starten af marts var jeg sammen med et par andre venner og min familie i Shreveport, hvor vi saa The Trans Siberian orkester, som spillede Beethovens Last Night.. Jeg som troede det ville vaere kedeligt og klassisk tog dog stor fejl. Det var en rock og lys koncert baseret paa alle Beethovens mest fantastiske stykker! Det var sgu noget af en kaempe oplevelse! Aaret gaar saa hurtigt - det er som foelsen af hver evige enste bid af den fineste mad, man kan forestille sig! Der sker hele tiden noget utroligt og anderledes! Koret bliver bedre og bedre for hver dag der gaar, og det bliver svaerre og svaerre af tage hjem.. Men paa samme tid, glaeder jeg mig saadan til at komme tilbage til lille Danmark! Jeg er ligesom kommet til et punkt, hvor jeg naesten ikke kan andet end at glaede mig! Naa men tilbage til koret... Vi var til District Rally i vocals - kor konkurrence - 8 soloer, 1 quartet og 1 trio og vi fik alle superiors, hvilket er det bedste, saa vi skal alle til State Rally den 21. april i Baton Rouge paa LSU :) Saa spandt! Udover dette har vi en stor Disneykoncert, som vi arbejder paa. En masse Disney sange, en masse koreografi og en masse kostumer! Og ja, lille Nicoline her fik saa aeren at lave koreografien og designe alle kostumerne! :) YAY!! Saa meget arbejde, men saadan en oplevelse! Jeg staar naermest for hele showet, saa det er fantastisk! Vi skal optraede for alle elementry skolerne den 30. april og 1. maj - og saa har vi et aftenshow for alle andre den 30. april :) Men nok om det, saa har vi ogsaa et Talent Show, som skal saettes i gang! Den 24. april ruller det ind paa skolen, og saa maa det hellere vaere klar parat! Saa ja, vi har et New Yorker tema, og jeg har designet scenedesignet.. I teater har vi et skuespil paa trapperne, som handler om mannequiner, der kommer til live efter lukketid - lidt ala Night at the Museum, bare utrolig kedeligt i forhold til! Men ja, det er saa den 3. maj, saa vi har rimelig travlt! Endnu en ting, som jeg skulle designe et scenedesign til.. Og jeg har en af de storste roller, saa jeg har sgu rigelig at lave for tiden! I marts havde vi ogsaa Prom, som var en noget anderledes oplevelse, men utrolig god! Karoline, Klara og jeg brugte hele loerdagen paa at goere os klar og saa skulle vi jo have lange kjoler paa! Da vi var faerdige tog vi masser af billeder, og saa moedtes vi med Colby og Taylre, hvor vi tog endnu flere billeder. Herefter koerte vi til Civic Centeret, hvor festen skulle holdes. Da vi gik derind, var der en fra skolen, som spurgte mig om jeg skulle til festen, siden jeg var klaedt saadan.. Aabenbart ikke Promagtigt nok, men det kan jeg jo vaere ligeglad med! Selvom min kjole var mere galla end Prom... Men vi havde det saa sjovt, og saa skulle ud at spise paa Chilis efterfoelgende sammen med Taylre, Colby, Allison, Alexis, Brantlie, Chapin og hendes kaereste... Det var super hyggeligt! Herefter gik turen hjem til Taylre, hvor vi skulle overnatte.. Klokken 2.00 valgte de pludselig at tage til Walmart - altsaa midt om natten! Hvad er det dog for en underlig by vi bor i? Men vi fik da endelig afproevet vores amerikanske indflydelse! Walmart i nattoej er sgu lidt underligt - og taenk engang vi moedte en anden Prom gruppe, som heller ikke havde bedre at tage sig til! Da vi kom tilbage til taylres valgte vi saa at tage hjem, da jeg ikke havde det utrolig godt! Var mega traet og havde undt i maven, saa det var lettere at sove hjemme.. Saa ja, det er saadan cirka hvad der sker lige for tiden............ Kun 29 dage tilbage af skolen, men omkring 45 dage indtil mine foraeldre kommer! Glaeder mig SAA meget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Gud hvor jeg savner jer Saa ekstremt meget! Det bliver godt at komme hjem til mit eget vaerelse og Happy, for ikke at snakke om min familie og JULIE SCHUSTER LAPP!!!! Jeg haaber du laeser dette for jeg siger det kun en gang!

Love you guys!!!
- Nicoline

mandag den 27. februar 2012

I Will Always Love You


So this past weekend we had a pageant at the school, and I was asked to perform for entertainment.
Since Whitney Houston just passed away I decided to sing I Will Always Love You...

Well anyway my performance got recorded, so..

